I save things in my pocket all week long and look forward to sharing the highlights and best of the web with you every Friday!
Pocket enables users to save something they find online for later. I find it especially handy as a Google Chrome extension — I only have to click a button to immediately save something to my pocket. Once something is saved, the content is visible on any device — phone, tablet, computer, and even offline.
There was a Llama chase in Arizona on Thursday. A LLAMA CHASE. This is real life, you guys.
- Someone very clever took the Harry Potter franchise and reworked it as an angtsy rom-com teen movie.
- 32 Kids Who Are Notoriously Picky Eaters
- Ed Sheeran covered Christina Aguilera’s “Dirty” and it’s terrific. As all things he does are. I love the BBC Radio 1 cover sessions.
- Also, this happened when Ice-T was on Jimmy Fallon. It made me giggle.
- Are you into Pinterest? Here are some surprising Pinterest marketing facts.
- I love finding something on another blog that evokes emotion — this post on “Britney. Herself.” is wonderful.
- It is The Sound of Music’s 50th anniversary!
- Someone mashed up the Seinfeld theme with a Limp Bizkit song and it’s oddly enjoyable.
- That dress? It’s black and blue. Also? It’s ugly. So who cares?
- I reviewed a new restaurant
- I bought new headphones
- Something I tweeted was pretty popular