I was trying to decide how to best recap a rather magnanimous year. 2015 seemed like a beast that just kept hurling curveballs in my general direction and so ultimately, I decided a letter to 2015 was the best way to do it.
Dear 2015…
Thank you for continuing to keep me on my toes. Thank you for always making it up to me when things seemed bleak. Thank you for the hugs and laughter – even for the tears. Thank you for good times! A lot of good meals! Good friends! There was so much this year — so many things I wish to recall. You might remember…
In January I got my voice back after four weeks of severe laryngitis and lung infections. And that was after I survived food poisoning from Chipotle (I’ve always been an early adopter!). I began my first year as the President of Social Media Club Los Angeles and I got to attend one of the best concerts ever when I managed to score a pair of tickets to Dave Grohl’s birthday party. It didn’t suck.
Lindsay even let me guest post on her blog! I’m still really proud of it.
In February I had one of the best brunches of my life at Michael’s Pizzeria in Long Beach. I’ve not been back since but I’ll be taking that up with 2016. It was a definite highlight in the month as toward the end of it, I was laid off from a job I loved.
But my temporary unemployment pushed me to think outside of the box and it ended up being one of the most exciting times of my life. I picked up freelance projects, co-worked with friends, began new personal projects I’d been putting off (like this very blog!) and got to enjoy some spontaneity for once, like that time Jessica and I went out for Dimsum on a weekday. It was DELICIOUS!
I met a terrific group of women when I spoke on a panel called “Branding for Women” before a large ballroom audience!
I joined in celebrating the marriage of two wonderful people on a perfect day in Malibu. I got to take a vacation to visit my best friend in New Jersey. I met her baby for the first time. It was a life changing moment. She’s always been the most beautiful, warmest person I know but watching her be a mom made me have ALL THE FEELS.
I thought I’d left the entertainment industry behind but as April ended, a new, wonderful opportunity came my way and next thing you know, I’m the head of publicity and social media for a film distributor! They wrote about int DEADLINE, man. PINCH ME.
“Captain AJ’s Wine Tour” happened and it was a magical day in Temecula, drinking wine, being driven around in a limo by a suave dude in a bolo tie, with some of my girlfriends.
My college roommate, Meg, moved back to LA in June and I am still so glad she’s here! Another beautiful, strong woman I love to watch be a mom.
The Summer brought movie junkets, trips to New York and Sacramento, and premieres that ran into a crazy Fall. My job continues to be AWESOME. Working on Colin Hanks’ “All Things Must Pass” became a passion project and a treasured experience as I connected with members of the Tower family and many still remain friends.
The Eagles of Death Metal played the premiere. It was incredible to be in that audience — even more so in hindsight a few months later…. But I’ll get to that.
Summer also brought courage. I published something deeply personal I’d written that I’d kept to myself for a long time.
My blogging homies got together in July to celebrate “Spawn” turning one, oversized Spawn-head included. IT HAUNTS MY DREAMS.
2015, you outdid yourself with the “Adventure Friends” because we were in FULL FORCE all year long with activities! A Kings game, baking class, the Doheny Mansion tour, brunches, meeting Jeff Goldblum, movies, screenings, gifting, museums. We’re pretty awesome. These ladies were there for me a lot this year.
By the way, 2015, thanks for letting me SING WITH JEFF GOLDBLUM that night. That was pretty cool.
October. I saw Hanson in concert. Again. Two nights in a row. #SorryNotSorry. I marked the one-year anniversary of living alone with pride. I went to see “Adele Dazeem” at the Hollywood Bowl.
I had another mind-blowing brunch in November with my mom at Girasol and I published my most-trafficked post to date, An Old Person’s Guide to the Millennial Vocabulary. I spoke on an EPPS panel — an organization I joined as a rookie publicist in 2008. (Wow, I spoke on a lot of panels this year! I didn’t even mention ConnectHER or EAMC — except I just did.)
Paris happened. I refused to talk about it until I was too angry. I’m still angry.
I dogsat a lot this year, which makes me a happier lady. This also meant a lot of Cody-stares.
Right now I’m sitting in bed with a pretty adorable, fluffy little poodle whom I’ve been snuggling with for a week. Can you tell 2016 I’d like to keep dog-sitting? It’s excellent therapy.
2015, you brought me a wonderful holiday season as well, including two weeks time off from my job. I love it, I swear, but boy did I need a rest! I made the most of it, too – still am – and I appreciate it. I had a wonderful Christmas eve watching a local parade and a hysterical Christmas Day, playing Cards Against Humanity.
Hey remember that saying “I live for the nights I won’t remember with the friends I’ll never forget.” That.
2015, you did right by me. And I appreciate it.
Love, AJ
P.S. (Holy cow, 2015, you filled this year with a ton of AMAZING WOMEN! WELL DONE. Thanks again.)
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