Share all the Trump posts you want, guys. Here’s the thing. The scary thing. Your friends are not the ones voting for him. Not the ones we need to worry about. So it begs the question…. what do “we” do? What are YOU actually doing? Where are you volunteering? Who are you calling? Where are you going?
I wish I had answers to those questions, by the way. I tried a myriad of search term combinations in Google. I guess Google doesn’t know everything.
I’m making myself a hypocrite in posting this, I realize. I didn’t think Trump was going to stick around and here we are. People still keep saying “He’ll never be President” and I remain unconvinced.
I suppose my point is, it doesn’t matter how many hipsters, minorities and establishment Republicans write eloquent posts about the hateful rally the attended or about how he’s going to make America “hate” again. Somehow Trump has won over a large audience and apparently, he cannot be stopped.
Legitimately terrifying, isn’t it?
Bear with me for a second — there’s this scene in the movie Newsies where all the heads of the big newspapers get together for a secret poker game as a symbol of their agreement not to cover a news story that could very well take them down — and also, to discuss their unanimous support of a Mayoral candidate.
In 1899 no one gave a shit about TV ratings. What a pity they matter so much now.
Fox News for sure colluded in creating this truly Teflon candidate. Whether they did it on purpose or simply followed the ratings is beyond this one mere mortal’s pay grade. It’s frightening.