Happy Friday from my new office! Well, not really. One of my new clients offered me an opportunity to work in their office a few hours a week and I jumped on it. First off, it’s a really cool space. IT IS DOG-FRIENDLY. And also, it’s really lovely, as a freelancer, to be back with a lot of people, at a formal desk, amongst like-minded folks. Also, they have food trucks three days a week FOR THE BIG WIN. I’ve settled in quite nicely to being my own boss (and my assistant’s boss), but I did miss things about being in-house. A nice way to start my year indeed.
- I read this article about open office spaces and it resonated with me. I know they are trendy but lord, I hate me an open office space. What about you?
- This couple registered for BOOZE for their wedding. A stroke (sip?) of GENIUS.
- Elina Shatkin from LAist 100% nailed this letter to milennials.
- The new rule is that eating butter and cheese can prolong your life. I SHALL LIVE FOREVER.

- I am 100% going to make these gooey buttery cookies from A Beautiful Mess. Perhaps this is how I will introduce myself to my new officemates.
- Read about how the “radical body positivity” influencer genre is taking over Instagram
- Chris Lam snagged a fabulous leopard print “teddy bear” coat and I LOVE THE LEWK. I want a fluffy coat now. I hated them before but she’s converted me. I was gonna go leopard print, but now I am all about this red bomber.
- I must remind you that I am not a fabulously successful BRUNCH JOURNALIST. I mean, my second article is now published. Read it.
- I’m diving into my awards season screeners and thus far have seen The Favourite, If Beale Street Could Talk, and Can You Ever Forgive Me. Last week I also watched RBG. All fantastic. All highly recommended for different reasons.
- Betty White turned 97. NINETY. SEVEN. And she is still a mother-effing BOSS. How did she celebrate? WITH A POKER GAME.

- PR Pros salivating over vegan sausage rolls!? Okay. Here’s why.
- So, a group that advocates for medical marijuana was turned away for commercial air time by CBS for the Super Bowl. A bummer to be sure, however now they’ve got everyone seeking out the “banner commercial.” Not a total loss from a PR standpoint. They should be capitalizing on that more, though. The video has less than 50K views as I write this.
- Who caught the trailer that came out this week for The Beach Bum starring Matthew McConaughey, Snoop Dogg, Zac Efron and Jimmy Buffet? This cast is ming-boggling. The poster is epic. The trailer delivers:
- How much do I LOVE Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda together? God, I hope that 9 to 5 sequel comes to fruition. They are the cutest, coolest BFFs: