They say “never meet your heroes” because if your hero turns out to be a douchebag, where does that leave you? Devastated. Ruined. Traumatized!
As evidence, I will only briefly describe a time when I was super young and impressionable and my favorite singer was dining a couple tables away from my family. She and her famous husband were nuzzling and surrounded in protection. I approached one of her bodyguards, respectfully, and politely asked if I could ask his client for her autograph. He looked to her for consent. She leaned away from her husband, looked me up and down, and then shook her head in disgust and waved a dismissive hand at me. The bodyguard said “not tonight” and I walked away, head down, saddened this hero of mine was not all I’d hoped for.
I guess it doesn’t always go down that way — thankfully. When I was out having breakfast with my family and family-friends at Jerry’s Deli, and I was probably 11? 12? At a table nearby, my mother spotted the Lawrence brothers. Joey was at the height of his career then as a co-star on “Blossom” and I’m sure Andrew and Matthew were equally famous then but I only had eyes for the “whoa!” guy. But I was frozen solid by nerves. And so my mom took me to their table, put a hand on Joey’s shoulder and said “my daughter’s too embarassed but would you give her your autograph?”
He was very polite and sweet, even though I was mortified, and I still have that autograph somewhere in a shoebox.
I was inspired to write this post, actually, because I was telling someone the other day about the time I met, perhaps, my favorite pop idol of all time. I was helping with PR for the “American Idol” tour and recording press footage with the cast at a rehearsal. During a break, from down the hall, I heard the faint sounds of “Remix” by New Kids on the Block (it’s one of their newer singles — yes, they still record new music and yes, I enjoy it). I was informed by one of the Idols that the New Kids were rehearsing down the hall for their new tour.
I froze and my face instantly turned bright red. I was completely unable to keep my cool and maintain any professionalism. But the Idols were amused and even offered to introduce me to the guys, who’d been friendly with them. They were babies; they hardly knew who the New Kids were.
Long story short, I got my photo taken with Joey McIntyre. And if this photo doesn’t SCREAM happiness and joy and embarrassment all in one shot, I don’t know what does:
I was lucky to meet a couple of nice Joes (pun totally intended) by chance but yeah…. there are celebrities I truly NEVER want to meet. When you do what I do for a living, you hear a lot of stories — who’s cool, who’s not, who’s friendly, who’s impossible on a set. But as long as I never meet those people, I never have to know and I can go on believing they are awesome and perfect and that their talent is matched by their kindness.
And so they say, “never meet your heroes,” but it’s fun to think about, right? So I’d love to hear from you! Who are your idols of worship? Who did you meet and love? Who’s the hero you want to stay away from?
You forgot the story about Jr. Seau , Yep, Mom strikes again!