Here I go thinking about myself again and loving it.
Well, let me hear it — what is your Ultimate Day? What does your Ultimate Day look like? When someone in my office announced she was having her “ultimate day,” I was confused but I finally came to see it’s value and understand it’s magic. She would plan a day of her favorite activities, no matter where it took her around town, and invite good friends to join her. And in doing so, creating a day filled with inescapable joy, surrounded by people you care about sharing in that feeling, it would be the Ultimate Day.
It’s the most, isn’t it? This is really my idea of heaven. This is a birthday party for no reason. A unique “stay-cation” with your loved ones. The ultimate field trip.
The great news is that you HAVE people to share this with, RIGHT? And that’s the ultimate, too!
And I’ve become rather obsessed with the idea. I’ve spent quantifiable time thinking about what my ultimate day would include. I keep changing my mind but it’s coming along.
Here is what I have so far:
- NO DRIVING. There will be much Ubering and/or Lyfting for my day. Or a generous friend is welcome to chauffeur my places. But I will not succumb to looking for parking, scouring neighborhoods for street space or paying for overpriced valets who also get tips.
- BRUNCH. Obviously. Probably at Church Key but maybe at Cliff’s Edge. I’ve been wavering on this decision.
- PUPPIES. Are you surprised? Maybe I’d check out the new Dog Cafe although I’m not sure I’d be able to walk away from an adoption station with my emotions in tact.
- SHOPPING. Not an extensive shopping trip, mind you. I don’t need to comb the mall. I’d rather find one unique store and go buy myself something unique. I love a store that serves up some quality browsing and then you find that GEM you MUST HAVE that you didn’t know you needed….! Perhaps Vroman’s or the strip of shops in Tujunga Village.
- SNACK BREAK. Perhaps at my favorite coffee shop (which is in Tujunga Village, by the way) or a trip to get frozen yogurt.
- A MOVIE. Hopefully one with Tom Hardy, Chris Evans, Colin Farrell or Chris Pine. This does not have to happen in a movie theater but if it happens at home, I am watching in my pajamas with the A/C on, under lots of blankets.
And that’s about all I can come up with so far. There are extraneous, optional items I would throw in if time allowed like a drive down PCH, wine tasting or popping into a museum.
But here’s the thing, I still feel like this day is lacking something really unique. Something with…. OOMPH. But maybe that’s the point? Maybe it’s supposed to be simple? Maybe what’s missing is some way to better incorporate the thoughts, feelings and ideas of my friends?
(Also, I think this day costs too much money but that’s the story of my life, right?)
Anyway, I’m going to keep thinking about it and I’ll let you know. I think it’s a lovely concept and do not be surprised if you see a follow up post packed with goofy selfies of me and my best friends annoying the quiet shoppers in a bookstore sometime soon.
And in the comments — I mean it — tell me: What is your Ultimate Day?
I have two things on my Ultimate Day list: 1. Uninterrupted sleep for at least six hours and 2. Being able to read a book or five during the remaining 18 hours. I’ll add to it later.