Best of the web
It’s been ages since we’ve all connected and I apologize. But life, right?! And boy has there been a lot of life for me these days. Accidents and injuries and dancing and dieting… Insanity, guys, I assure you. And in my “real life,” I’m overseeing PR and social for more than a dozen films, so needless to say, my time has become…. well, more valuable. But the web lives on! It is here for you. It is here with the love and the laughter (and the news, but let’s overlook that)… On with the glorious things I’ve saved in my pocket for you — the best of the web:
- Speaking of work, I am OVER THE MOON excited to be working on a documentary called “SCORE: A Film Music Documentary.” Entertainment Weekly premiered our trailer! Watch it here:
- A friend of mine who knew I needed to laugh sent me this article, written by a “toddler” strategizing on how he will eat things he should not be eating. It’s called “So Help Me God, I’m Going to Eat One of Those Multi-colored Detergent Pods.”
- This piece from “Scary Mommy” also made me laugh: “Pardon My F*cking Language, But I’m Sweary AF And That Ain’t Gonna Change.”
- Um…. Guys? FRED DURST (Yes, of Limp Bizkit) is hosting a weekly JAZZ night in Hollywood. Dafaq?!
- Of course I love this article about local brunch places you may not have heard of. For the record, I actually have not heard of some!
- More laughter needed? Ok, then read about this woman who brought her dog to a FURRY CONVENTION because she thought it was a gathering for pet owners. (If you don’t know what “furries” are, you should see this documentary called Fursonas.)
- Do you ever watch those amazing “how to” recipe videos from Tasty? They’re great, right? They make cooking look EASY! And here’s a parody I LOVED:
- Did you know Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey all use “Tthe 5-Hour Rule?” I thought this was really interesting – read about it here.
I can’t wait to watch SCORE! Music is the universal connector, imo, and without it, we are only watching half a movie (or half a tv program).
I love when at the Oscars, in the music categories, sometimes they’ll show a clip without the music and then WITH — some people don’t get how much it shapes a plot!