The Best of the web
How is everybody? I’m trying and trying to blog more frequently but sometimes life’s a bitch that gets in your way. I guess I need to shove that bitch to the side, y’all….
But! I’ve continued to save things in my pocket daily because I do look forward to sharing the best of the web with you on Fridays (when I can)!
- New hero. Hannah Keyser for Racked writes about the challenges of dress shopping when you’re busty. I love her.
- For my fellow bloggers, Rafflecopter put out a pretty solid blog post on common blogging mistakes.
- Remember when I posted a glossary of millennial vocabulary? Someone put some kind elderly people to the test and it’s AMAZING!
- A marvelous letter to OPRAH. Just read it. So great.
- Who watched “Grease Live” on Sunday? I enjoyed it. Check out Aaron Tveit (“Danny”) sampling some Wicked tunes.
- Speaking of Broadway, two of its current stars covered Adele’s “Hello.” It’s a breathtaking duet.
- So… the University of Kentucky is offering a course on tacos. TACOS, you guys. I can’t explain it but I’m in.
- Apparently Instagram is rolling out a multiple accounts user feature. I’ll just be sitting here. WAITING. GIVE IT TO ME, INSTAGRAM!
- That time the New York Times named one of my company’s movies as a “Critic’s Pick” in a review I pitched.
- I must confess, this performance from Taylor Swift of “Wildest Dreams” – a song I previously I did not care for – is beautiful.
- A very delicious giveaway
- A delicious brunch spot review
- And, hopefully, like 18 hours of sleep because I AM TIRED.
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